Singing for Sustainability

Since few weeks, I started a new project: going to the lakeside in Zürich, and singing for sustainability!

This is a great adventure, where I share my (limited) skills in playing the guitar and I sing for collecting money, that I afterwards donate to organisations that help spreading the sustainability message. Every time I go singing I will update this page, so that you can see how much money I collected and to which organisation I donated them!

17/08/19 and 30/08/19: 50 CHF, WWF. The idea was to give the money to Stockholm Resilience Centre, but unfortunately I could not devolve money to them so I chose WWF 🙂

13/09/19: 75 CHF, WWF, for saving the Amazon forest

14/10/19: 25 CHF, WWF

09/11/19: 40 CHF, WWF

16/11/19: 20 CHF, WWF

18/01/20: 50 CHF, WWF, for replanting the forests in Australia

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic stopped this beautiful activity over the course of 2020 and 2021. However, since July 2022 I restarted!

07/07/22 & 10/07/22: 200 CHF, MyBluePlanet